



October 23rd, 1942
El Alamein

El Alamein

Great Britain Great Britain   against   Germany Germany

In July 1942, Erwin Rommel and the Italo-German Panzer Armee Afrika in Egypt were only 70 miles from Alexandria. El Alamein was a last stand for the Allies in North Africa. To the north of this seemingly unremarkable town was the Mediterranean Sea and to the south was the deep Qattara Depression. El Alamein was a bottleneck that ensured that Rommel could not use his favoured form of attack - sweeping into the enemy from the rear. Rommel launched a violent series of assaults between July & early September, 1942, which were bravely repulsed by the British. Rommel's nose had been bloodied and now Monty's 8th Army would go on the offensive. The grueling battle of El Alamein lasted from October 23rd to November 3rd, 1942.

Great Britain Great Britain Germany Germany

  Ground Forces  
  Stationary Weapons