Posted by: BUG$
20.02.2005 22:00 GMT

Welcome back folks for today's news update revealing some more new stuff for the East Front. First, some equipment for our Russian comrades: the RPG 43 antitank grenade modeled by OMNI and skinned by StrangerThanFiction. This item will be a welcome addition to the existing RDG 33, and will help the Russians to keep the panzers away.

Furthermore we have a new battleground for you from an area that is well known from another map already within the mod. Kharkov Winter is on of the maps you have already enjoyed for several versions but as the Ukrainian city of Kharkov was the scene of numerous battles, we decided to bring you another map depicting a clash in this area. Kharkov Winter represents fighting in the early months of 1942 when Russian and German troops fought for the control of the city following the battle of Stalingrad. The new map Kharkov Outskirts, created by ArminAce, takes place in summer 1943 when the Russian offensive following the battle of Kursk was just getting started. The last battle for Kharkov rages and you will decide which side will win!







That's all for today folks. Feel free to stop by our public forums and discuss this update. The tests of our current internal version are going well, so be sure to give us a visit next week for more updates of your favorite modification.

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