Posted by: Lightning
05.09.2009 16:00 GMT

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Yesterday, we showed the Axis Normandy trailer and today, it's time for the Allies Normandy trailer. Before showing it though, we would like to point you to our Pointe Du Hoc Guide, which was made by FatJoe. It shows in detail how best to use the grappling hooks and the thermite grenades and will be a great help for the allied players on this map.

Up next then, is the Allied Normandy Trailer by Bob Sacamano.

The password to the torrent file will be released today at 1800 UTC, which is 2 hours from now. At the same time we will post a list of mirrors from which you can download the unpassworded installers. Since there is no patch this time around and only a full install, here is a short installation guide.

Installation Instructions

  • Delete your previous installation of Forgotten Hope 2. The easiest way to do this, is to go to your /Battlefield 2/mods/ directory and to remove the 'fh2/' folder

  • Update to Battlefield 2 version 1.5 if you haven't done so already

  • If you have downloaded the torrent, extract both installers using the password

  • Install Part 1 first, then install Part 2

One last note - it is quite possible that our website and forum cannot handle the strain of so many people loading the pages at the same time, so it would be smart to join our IRC channel or our Teamspeak 2 channel (IP: The password will be posted here at 1800 UTC as well and the developers and betatesters will be around to help you with any questions you may have.

That's all for now, but be sure to come back in 2 hours for the 2.2 release! Until then, feel free to visit our IRC channel and our public forums to discuss this update and other news.

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